Saturday, March 10, 2012

Seeing GREEN ? (My Life as a mom)

           Seeing Green ? LOL ! Yeah Green :) Well it's because its almost St. Patricks Day

I really can't believe that we already in March 2012, this year lots of new exciting things for me as a
mom and as a photographer. I will soon be having a teen that drives!!  I'm not sure on how
to feel about it but well I knew sooner than later this moment will come. My life with two teens is never
ending and I wouldn't change it for the world. Since my girls are getting older I know I have little time to document those years that you knew would get here and now that they are you have mixed feelings for, So here is a picture to show of my beautiful girls my reason's for living :)

My oldest who will be 17 this year and be getting her driver's license is not only doing that but will
be a senior this new Year 2012-2013 ! She will graduate class of 2013 and it fills me with such pride and sadness because I know my baby is all but grown up on me and my hubby.. Here are a few shots of her being silly just for mom. Treasure each moment as it was your last !!!

I love you baby girl 

As if it wasn't enough my baby is going to be starting HS yup High school and turning 15 this year !
She is my little chunky monkey and I can't believe that she is getting so big on me !
I'm not sure what to feel about all of this, soon she will be driving and moving on with her life and as Happy and Proud as I will be it leaves me with a sadness that hurts ! 
So here is my monkey isn't she cute :)

I love you my monkey 

This post wouldn't be complete if I didn't include my other girls ! yup you guessed it 
Cleo and Belle 

Without them I would feel I have no little ones to watch over, if you ever met them you know why
I say this :)

Here is to my other girls and a very special note soon to my Cleo 

Happy Early birthday Cleo 

As its a gloomy day with lots of rain, it didn't feel like it to us, we made it sunny and bright just by simply being together.. 

Happy St. Patricks Day Everyone 
My pride and Joy 
my girls 

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